3 Things You’ll Miss Today if You Don’t Pray in the Spirit

3 Things You’ll Miss Today if You Don’t Pray in the Spirit DR. STEVE GREENE for Charisma News

Bob Yandian, pastor and excellent Bible teacher, taught me a spiritual lesson I’ve never forgotten.

In one of his powerful teachings, he spoke about bad days and the things that happen through the normal pace of life. He spoke about the full armor of God and how often we head into our work day only half clothed.

My recall of what he said next has been with me for at least 15 years. He looked at the audience and said, “If you want to have better days and better outcomes, you need to pray in the Spirit more often. Some of you go far too long without speaking to the Lord in the Spirit.”

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Paul wrote in Romans 8:26, “Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”

When we focus on the presence of the Lord, our prayer lives change. An intimacy with the Father produces an exchange that can suitably be called a love language.

I know my wife’s love language, and she knows mine. We know the love languages of our children and grandchildren. When we have those sweet moments of conversation, all else fails to compare. Many of those moments are seared deeply in memory.

The Lord wants the same with us. He wants us to draw close and tell Him about our day ahead. He wants to hear of our worries and frets. He wants us to tell Him everything and “make [our] requests known” (Phil. 4:6b).

The closer we get, the more our native tongue fails to satisfy our need to love Him with our words—to “worship Him in spiritual songs” (see Eph. 5:19).

The Lord reminded me early this morning of the things I miss when I don’t start my day by praying in the Spirit. Here are three of them to encourage your prayer l

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